A necessity for any emergency situation, the versatile Exclusive Blue Leatherman Raptor 6-in-1 multi-tool has all the important tools that uniformed professionals need to safely and quickly perform their essential job functions in an emergency situation. Infusing the expertise and input of special-operations medics as well as EMTs and firefighters with prior experience with standard medical shears into its elaborate design, the Raptor offers an excellent, balanced set of multi-purpose tools designed to facilitate life-saving efforts in potentially life-threatening scenarios.
Carefully constructed with just the perfect amount of multi-purpose tools, its intricate design features a stainless steel construction. The Raptor is equipped with a set of 420 HC Stainless Steel Folding Medical Shears, which have serrations that can easily and efficiently grasp materials so the user can employ a strong, proficient cut. When not using the shears, they can be detached in order to clean and maintain them.
The Raptor’s strap cutter features a locking safety liner designed for immediate usage and can be used with aviator-style gloves, regardless of whether the shears are open or closed. When life-sustaining oxygen is needed quickly and an oxygen bottle’s wrench is unavailable, the Raptor’s oxygen-tank wrench, which is conveniently integrated into the strap cutter, can be used as a reliable replacement. Its ring cutter can be used on a vast majority of standard gold bands, making it a resourceful and critically important tool for any first responder. When standard civilian glass needs to be broken immediately during rescue operations, the Raptor’s carbide-tip glass breaker, which is found on one of its handles, is more than capable of accomplishing this task.
Additionally, the Raptor has a MOLLE-compatible, injection-molded polymer holster that is comprised of glass-filled nylon. It can rotate on a sturdy clip that offers fast access while it is positioned on a vest or pack. The Raptor can be easily stored in the open or closed positions.
For more information and to get yours, be sure to visit TheFireStore.com.