HAIX Firehouse Recipe Battle to Benefit the Fire Fighter Cancer Foundation

HAIX North America has partnered with the Fire Fighter Cancer Foundation to bring you the Firehouse Recipe Battle. Fire Departments throughout the United States and Canada have the opportunity to win 10 pair of HAIX Fire Eagle Air structural fire boots for their department, over a $5,000 value!

To enter to win boots for the fire department, submit a short video preparing a favorite recipe of the firehouse. Winning videos will be decided by vote, the video with the most votes at the close of voting will be determined the winner! There will also be a $500 gift card for Second place and a $250 VISA gift for Third place finishers. “We hope that fire departments can have some fun making their videos while at the same time benefitting the worthwhile fight against firefighter cancer”, says Elfriede Elfinger, Vice President at HAIX North America.

Voting will be free to participants, and for each vote received, HAIX will donate $1 to the Fire Fighter Cancer Foundation*. Video entrants should encourage their friends and co-workers to watch the videos and to vote on their favorite recipe!

To enter your video, go to www.haixusa.com/recipebattle. Videos can be submitted between November 15, 2022 and December 15, 2022. Voting will start after December 15th and close on December 31, 2022.

About HAIX® North America: HAIX® North America is one of the most trusted footwear manufacturers for Law Enforcement officers, firefighters, EMT’s, loggers, arborists and many more. They produce over one million shoes yearly and have been in business serving all markets since 2003.

About Fire Fighter Cancer Foundation: The Fire Fighter Cancer Foundation is working to extinguish firefighter cancer. Firefighters dedicate their lives to the service of others. The Fire Fighter Cancer Foundation was established in 2004 to provide international outreach, support, and resource assistance programs for firefighters and family members that are stricken by cancer. The Foundation is creating state of the art programs for cancer education, awareness, research and prevention to ensure the quality of life and retirement of fire fighters around the world.

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