The Decorah (IA) Volunteer Fire Department is making progress toward a new fire station, reports
Council members recently heard and approved the proposal to contract with Brunton Architect and Engineers of North Mankato (MN) to assist in assessing potential sites. There’s a $2,500 charge per site evaluated, so the Fire Station Committee hopes to narrow the potential sites to a maximum of four.
Related: Video: Drone Assists FD with Ventilation
Originally built in 1959, the Decorah Fire Station has one large bay for trucks and equipment. The second bay was added in 1983. Its cement floor is cracked and falling in, and some areas have settling six to seven inches deep.
The department was assigned the old Kilties building in 2007 to help house extra equipment. There, they have remodeled and added on and are already at maximum capacity. And having equipment at two locations isn’t conducive to fighting fires.