Marco Island Fire Rescue recently provided an update on the construction for its future Station 50: The concrete for the second floor has been poured.
Project Description:
This project consists of demolishing the existing Fire Station 50 and constructing a new hurricane-rated Fire Station. This facility will also contain the following features:
- City’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
- The City’s primary data center
- A fire training tower
- A community training room
- A fueling station for City vehicles.
In addition to the facility’s construction, this project also includes making site improvements to the main campus, increasing green space, and improving the property’s stormwater management.
Project Budget:
$12,592,673.00 (Construction)
This project is partially funded by the Collier County One-Cent Sales Surtax and Grant funding.
Current Progress:
Structural work is currently underway, including the following:
- Putting up CMU walls (first floor) – Complete
- Second floor plank scheduled – Complete
- Water Proofing – In Progress
- Interior framing beginning early June