Police Investigating Theft from Weymouth (Australia) Volunteer Fire Station

Monday, 24 January 2022 – 3:53 pm.

Police are investigating the theft of firefighting equipment from Weymouth (Australia) Volunteer Fire Station yesterday.

In the early hours of yesterday morning, offenders stole equipment from the station including chainsaws and tools.

Anyone with information in relation to the theft, which is the third at the station in twelve months, is urged to contact police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1800 333 000.

During previous thefts, offenders have stolen equipment including eight UHF radios.

Related: Tasmania Department has Second Theft of Fire Equipment

Speaking on the impact the thefts have had on the Weymouth Volunteer Fire Station, TFS Acting Station Officer of the North-East District, Roger Brown said “In the middle of a developing fire season it’s disappointing that the Weymouth Volunteer Fire Station has again been the target of theft.

“The sole fire truck for the brigade, which is equipped for firefighting response to protect the community, has had a number of important operational equipment items stolen, including eight UHF radios and chainsaws.

“The brigade looks after around 400 properties in the townships of Weymouth, Tamoshanter and Lulworth and has already responded to several fires this year.

“The theft of the equipment has wide-spread ramifications, as the volunteers, who selflessly volunteer to assist the community, are for a period without required equipment and their infrastructure is damaged.

“I ask anyone with information to come forward, and to be vigilant for any suspicious activity around fire stations.”

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