Battle Creek (MI) Fire Station 4 Invites Public to See Results of $523K Renovation June 7

After a 13-month closure due to water damage through the roof and into the building structure, the city's Fire Station 4 on 20th Street is about to open for service once again. (Source: Battle Creek Fire Department)


You’re invited! Fire Chief Bill Beaty and the entire Battle Creek Fire Department invite neighbors to check out the renovated Fire Station 4.

  • 5-7 p.m., Wednesday, June 7.
  • Tour the station with fire staff, and enjoy light refreshments.
  • Pick up fire safety information and BCFD goodies.
  • Parking at the station is limited; consider walking over from the neighboring Columbia Plaza. Please do not block the doors, in case the crew must respond to a call during our event, and please be respectful of neighboring businesses.

The 80-year-old station, at 8 S. 20th St., reopened on March 27. It closed on Feb. 1, 2022, after the building’s roofs collapsed in places due to rain and snow damage over time. The roof situation led to drainage issues, water leaks, standing water, and a lot of moisture in the building that started to deteriorate its structure.

During the closure crews replaced the roof and installed a drainage pipe system from the roof, across the building, and away from the station underground to move water properly. The project cost about $523,326 in total, with a few outdoor tasks left to do. A combination of city and American Rescue Plan Act funds paid for it.

They also installed new carpeting throughout the building, updated some furniture, painted, and installed new items in the kitchen, which took heavy damage. They replaced some windows, and updated lighting and the station alarm systems.

“This will get us back into this area of town,” said Fire Chief Bill Beaty, who joined the department in October 2022, and said crews were eager to get back into Station 4. “It’s a good thing, to get our resources deployed a little better for coverage of the city.”

Fire Station 1, on East Michigan Avenue, also will stay open for service; it has closed in the past to house only fire administration. Staff will keep Truck 1 there, our large ladder truck, closer to the tall buildings downtown where we need it most.

Station 4 was built in 1947. It became part of the city’s Fire Department when Battle Creek Township merged with the city in the early 1980s.

Since 2015 the city has received several assessments of our fire stations, including the latest we will share publicly soon from the Center for Public Safety Management – a study of fire, EMS, and police service models in the city and surrounding community. City leaders will use those studies together to determine the next steps for our six fire stations, and our fire service to the community.

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