Atlanta (GA) Fire Rescue Department Lt. Michael Boyce is the recipient of the Atlanta Fire Rescue Scholarship, an opportunity afforded to him by his fire department and Columbia Southern University (CSU). Through his scholarship, he now has the opportunity to improve his firefighting knowledge and chances for promotion. And that’s only the beginning for this eager fire officer.
“The CSU program will equip me with the information relevant to fire service best practices as a whole. My college experience will expose me to the executive level issues and decision-making skills required to be highly effective,” he said.
Boyce works in the Inspections Section of Community Risk Reduction. His department handles building inspections and fire code enforcements throughout Atlanta.
This scholarship, which is in its second year, was established for Atlanta Fire Rescue personnel. It will cover Boyce’s tuition for a bachelor’s degree in fire administration from CSU.
“This scholarship gives me the ultimate chance for success. I will not have to work overtime to pay for school,” he said. “The long, extended hours can be used to study and provide a greater future for my family, career and the citizens of Atlanta.”
This year, Columbia Southern University celebrates its 25th anniversary. As a pioneer in online education, CSU was established in 1993 to provide an alternative to the traditional university experience. CSU offers online associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees such as business administration, criminal justice, fire administration and occupational safety and health. Visit ColumbiaSouthern.edu or call (877) 347-6050 to learn more.