Petzl America and CMC End 30-year Collaboration

After 30 years of fruitful partnership, both Petzl America and CMC have decided to become respectful competitors.

Petzl Launches a Petzl Technical Partner Program

The program was launched in early 2020 with a vision of developing a comprehensive network of training companies to which Petzl may refer business.

User Testimonial: the Petzl ASAP Fall Arrest Device

ASAP is a self-trailing mobile fall arrest device that is designed to be used on the static, kernmantle ropes we use in the fire service.…

Petzl America Hosts 2020 PetzlRope Trip

Every two years, the Petzl RopeTrip brings together leading professionals, who work on ropes or at-height within any industry, for an event that displays best…