Volunteer Fire Chief C. Reid Vaughan of the Cuba Fire Department in Alabama, left, and Career Fire Chief Randy Royal of the Colorado Springs Fire Department in Colorado.

Pierce and IAFC Celebrate Leadership with 2024 Fire Chief of the Year Awards

Since 1996, the IAFC has annually recognized one volunteer and one career fire chief for their outstanding service.

National Fire Service Organizations Urge Congress to Act on Grant Programs

Several major national fire service organizations are teaming up to urge Congress to take action on grant programs.
Presented by Pierce Manufacturing and the IAFC, Volunteer Fire Chief Thomas Bell, left, and Career Fire Chief Brian Fennessy are named 2023 IAFC Fire Chief of the Year.

Pierce and IAFC Spotlight 2023 Fire Chiefs of the Year

Volunteer Fire Chief Thomas Bell of the Greensburg Volunteer Fire Department in Pennsylvania, and Career Fire Chief Brian Fennessy of the Orange County Fire Authority…

Winner Announced for 2021 VCOS Training Officer Recognition Award Sponsored by Vector Solutions

James Hedrick, volunteer training coordinator from Fairfax County (VA) Fire and Rescue Department, was named the 2021 recipient.