A CAL FIRE C-130-H aircraft makes a drop of 4,000 gallons of retardant on a wildland fire. (Photo courtesy of CAL FIRE.)

Wildland Firefighting Aircraft: Fixed Wing, Rotors, Drones

A wide variety of aircraft are in use helping ground crews fight wildland fires, from fixed-wing aircraft to customized helicopters carrying water/retardant tanks to choppers hauling buckets on cables and even drones that can drop off equipment to ground crews.

Apparatus Purchasing: Ground Monitors, Part 1

The topic here is the monitors’ unique level of safety and performance and their fireground advantages that unfortunately can be both misunderstood and underused.

Pumps on Wildland Engines Span Variety of Types and Sizes

Wildland firefighting may be similar in some ways to structural firefighting, but there are more differences than similarities. Likewise, the apparatus used in wildland firefighting…

REV Group Invests in the Strength of Fire Apparatus Brands

For the past four years, the REV Group has acquired well respected names in the fire service including E-ONE, KME, and Ferrara, and in February,…

Editor’s Opinion: Emerging Stronger

I look back at our December 2019 issue’s “outlook” article and also the “Chief Concerns” column from that issue. Rich Marinucci stated, “Forecasting the future…

FAMA Forum: Customer-Supplied Chassis: Why Not?

Of the thousands of fire apparatus purchased in North America each year, about 30 to 40 percent are mounted on commercial chassis.

Chief Concerns: Safety During Grass, Brush, and Wildland Fires

As many of these incidents are not frequent events for many departments, there is a need to prepare and understand the challenges.