Special Delivery: Wildland Urban Interface Type III Unit Handles Wildland and Structure Fire Calls

Special Delivery: Wildland Urban Interface Type III Unit Handles Wildland and Structure Fire Calls

The Taos (NM) Fire Department purchases a Pierce Type III wildland urban interface unit.
Five Questions for Eric Combs, Marketing Director, Elkhart Brass

Five Questions for Eric Combs, Marketing Director, Elkhart Brass

Elkhart's relationships with other OEMs help it supply them with new, innovative technologies and product types.
Inside United Plastic Fabricating, Inc.

Inside United Plastic Fabricating, Inc.

A closer look at the company that builds two-thirds of the booster tanks for the North American fire service.
Air Assets Valuable Tools for Battling Wildland Fires

Air Assets Valuable Tools for Battling Wildland Fires

Across the country fire bosses are using aircraft and helicopters to control wildfires from the air based on the area, the terrain, and the available…
Apparatus/Equipment News

Apparatus/Equipment News

KME 102-foot AerialCat™ platform offers short wheelbase and overall lengths and low travel heights. The platform itself has been redesigned to offer 22.6 square feet…
Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

EMISSIONS EQUIPMENT NOT COSTING BILLIONS I read with interest the "Fire Industry Today" column by Richard Young in the May 2013 issue of Fire Apparatus…
In the News

In the News

• KME recently entered into a joint venture with First Priority Emergency Vehicles and Brilliance Auto Group to supply complete vehicles and partially assembled kits…