On any given piece of fire apparatus, the vehicle's size matters because there's a finite amount of real estate available to hold all the equipment a fire department wants to carry.
Designing, specifying, accepting bids on, and finally building a new piece of apparatus can be a daunting task for any department, large or small. Figuring…
BullEx vehicle fire training and helicopter live training props feature multiple burn zones that create engine, passenger compartment, and fuel spill fires. The Maine ANG…
In 2009, Deputy Director Michael Putt, of Memphis (TN) Fire Services, presented an idea to Director Alvin Benson he believed would help reduce apparatus repairs…
The new National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1917, Standard for Automotive Ambulances, is on schedule for final approval next year. Barring an unforeseen problem, the…
When Oxford (MA) Fire-EMS Department's 2000 Freightliner ambulance suffered significant damage, Chief Sheri Bemis knew she'd have to act quickly to get a new rig…
We should never forget that the landmark interagency safety study regarding the 1994 South Canyon Fire that took the lives of 14 wildland firefighters recommended…
Temperatures topping 100°F, with heat indexes in excess of 110°F, tested the mettle of firefighters and rescue tools alike during a recent training event.