PowerFilm, Inc. has developed an "E&P" Magnetic Solar Panel for the emergency responder industry through an exclusive agreement with SoundOff Signal, manufacturer of quality emergency, bus and commercial vehicle safety products.
FA Volume 15 Issue 3
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Articulating Boom Aerials Offer Tactical Flexibility
Articulating boom aerials have been in use in the United States for several decades, and they continue to offer a different type of flexibility not…

No Downtime At SFD Fire Garage
At 815 South Dearborn St., just south of downtown Seattle, is the Fire Maintenance Garage. Firefighters call it "The Shop."

Deliberating Custom Versus Commercial Chassis
With stagnancy in the economy amplifying the tug-of-war between municipal budgets and fire apparatus purchasing, debate over the traditional "what worked in the past will…

Chemical Warfare Decontaminant For Firefighters
Firefighters can now add a chemical warfare decontamination tool to the protective equipment they wear and carry.

Rockport Releases Line Of Footwear
Rockport has released a new line of footwear designed by its licensee, the Warson Group, exclusively for emergency and military personnel. The line is called…

LED Technology Powers Flashlight Revolution
It's not easy being a flashlight manufacturer these days.

E-ONE Receives Contract for 10 ARFF Units
E-ONE has been awarded a contract for ten Titan Force 4x4 Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) vehicles valued at more than $7.5 million.

Ferrara To Build Rescue Pumper For Chilean FD
Ferrara has signed a contract to build its first fire truck for South America, a rescue pumper for Vina del Mar, Chile, a city famous…

Special Delivery: Three Connecticut Volunteer Departments Buy Six Sutphens
The town of Monroe, Conn., covers approximately 26 square miles and is serviced by three volunteer fire departments - Monroe, Stepney and Stevenson.

Spartan Strengthens Road Rescue
Road Rescue received additional capital investment and leadership support from its parent company, Spartan Motors, in an initiative to strengthen the smaller company's operation and…

Electronic Systems Make Aerials Smarter And Safer
Technology is turning aerial apparatus into "smart" machines, able to sense proximity to obstacles, allow ladder travel at variable speeds, permit operation from remote locations…