Chief Concerns | A Look Ahead

One thing to note is that the fire service remains popular. This should translate into continued support of federal programs.

EMS’s Impact on Fire Department Operations

Fire department involvement in EMS has overtaken all other responses, except in rare occasions, by a long shot.

Chief Concerns | Electric Vehicles

Unless you have been sleeping under a rock someplace, you have to know about the challenges regarding electric vehicles.

Why Is Hazmat Response Different?

The establishment of hazmat response teams is relatively new, having evolved out of some serious incidents in the past 40 years or so.

What Is a Modern Engine Company?

Engines have become the “do all” base of operations for all types of emergencies.

Rescuing Our Own

Firefighters can become trapped, lost, or disoriented or maybe even fall through a floor or roof.
Tractor drawn aerial

Recovery from the Pandemic

COVID-19 The lockdowns and restrictions have changed many fire department programs. Now's the time for agencies to reevaluate their services.