Terra Tamer Rescue Wheel and the Equalizer System

The Terra Tamer rescue wheel and the Equalizer adjustable litter handle system are relatively new pieces of equipment.

Running with the Big Dogs: The Fire Maul TSR Tactical Strike Ram

When you see a sign or placard with a fire helmet or an ax, you immediately know it stands for the fire department.

The Motorola APX NEXT XN Smart Radio and XVN500 Remote Speaker Microphone

Radio communications are probably the least exciting component of fireground strategy and tactics, yet without them we cannot operate efficiently and safely.

Firefighter and Civilian Rescue Device

The HERODrag is a foldable, compact, self-contained drag rescue device that can be carried with the shoulder bag or inside the coat or cargo pocket…

Smart Decision Making with Computer Fireground Simulators

Firefighters can go years without responding to significant fires; thus, they must rely on realistic simulations such as two highlighted here for training and keeping…

Hose Alert: A Firefighter’s Commonsense Solution to a Serious Problem

This product, resembling a giant clothespin, alerts apparatus operators when hose has accidentally deployed from the hosebed. RAUL A. ANGULO

The Power Hawk P4 Rescue Tool

This self-contained battery-powered interchangeable spreader, cutter, and combination tool without hydraulics is a lightweight tool with high-output force. RAUL A. ANGULO