Thomasville Fire Rescue continues to receive excellent achievement for Thomasville, recently receiving notification of maintaining its Insurance Service Office (ISO) Class 2 rating. This rating places the city of Thomasville in the top 4% of U.S. communities for fire protection.
“We have a dedicated group of firefighters that work hard every day for our community to make it the best it can be,” said Thomasville Fire Rescue Chief Tim Connell. “Our ISO Class rating is a reflection of that commitment.”
An ISO rating is a score that reflects how prepared a community is to manage fires. Ratings range from 1 to 10, with a “1” being the best possible rating. This rating also plays a significant role in the underwriting process at insurance companies, with most U.S. insurers of homes and business properties using the rating to calculate premiums. The price of fire insurance in a community with a high ISO rating is lower than in a community with a poor rating.
Thomasville Fire Rescue was evaluated on key elements including response capabilities, fire station locations and coverage areas, equipment, and building codes and enforcement to determine the ISO rating.
“We are proud of the dedication of our firefighters and recognize their service to our community,” noted Thomasville’s City Manager Alan Carson. “This high rating speaks volumes to our citizens and businesses and further emphasizes Thomasville Fire Rescue’s commitment to public safety.”
For more information about Thomasville Fire Rescue, contact (229) 227-4099.