Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equipment Magazine has joined in a strategic alliance with the Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) to improve communication of FDSOA objectives and programs among its membership and to encourage fire departments nationwide to develop safety officer programs and standards as recommended by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and endorsed by the Association.
The FDSOA mission is to promote safety standards and practices in the fire, rescue and emergency services community and promote fire ground safety awareness at all levels. Emergency vehicle safety-from crash-worthiness to operating procedures-is a vital concern of FDSOA as well as developing innovations and new technology to protect firefighters, reduce injuries and minimize line-of-duty fatalities.
Each year, the FDSOA hosts the Annual Apparatus Specification and Maintenance Symposium in January in Orlando, Fla. C. Peter Jorgensen, publisher of Fire Apparatus Magazine and Mary McCormack, FDSOA Executive Director, recently met to discuss the natural synergies that exist between the mission of the Association and the editorial focus of Fire Apparatus Magazine.
Mutual Goals
Their mutual goals and benefits were immediately apparent, especially in the area of apparatus and maintenance issues covered each year at the Symposium. A strategic alliance seemed only natural to spread the word of the Association’s programs and benefits across the country and to promote increased membership and support for safety issues.
FDSOA is a non-profit association founded in 1989 which focuses on all issues affecting firefighter health and safety, with emphasis on emergency response and scene safety. FDSOA draws its membership from the locally appointed safety officers in every fire department. It is the Fire Safety Officer certifying agency of the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications which operates under Standards established by the NFPA.
Training Programs
FDSOA conducts training programs to help fire service safety officers meet the NFPA Standards and it administers the four-hour Safety Officer certification examinations five times a year at various locations across the country. It also is the organization charged with monitoring and recording the annual 20 hours of continuing education in fire suppression, risk management, equipment safety or personnel protective equipment necessary for Safety Officer re-certification every five years.
On the national level FDSOA lends its collective voice to periodic updates of the NFPA Standards and provides input to the insurance industry with regard to workers compensation and other insurance issues as well.
The Association is led by a volunteer Board of Directors and has a small staff to handle the day-to-day operations.
Fire Apparatus Magazine will offer complimentary subscriptions to all FDSOA members as well as to all FDSOA Apparatus Symposium attendees. FDSOA will provide Fire Apparatus with access to Symposium speakers and key presentations which will be will be shared in the magazine for the benefit of firefighters across the country.
The 19th Annual Apparatus Specification and Vehicle Maintenance Symposium will be held this January 21-24, 2007 in Orlando, Fla. For more information go to or call 508-881-3114.
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