Woo-Hoo: Springfield (IL) Donates Two Engines to Elizabethtown

The Springfield Fire Department (SFD) has donated a pair of fire trucks—Engines 16 and 17—to the Elizabethtown Fire Department (EFD).

Along with the apparatus, EFD received a generator, four fans, axes, pike poles, nozzles, hoses, and fittings.

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“Today we prolonged the useful life of two of our most ‘experienced’ rigs,” SFD writes on Facebook. “We donated Engines 16 and 17 to Elizabethtown (IL) Fire Department who can give them the TLC they deserve. The twin Luvernes were purchased in May of 1994 and had most recently served in our reserve fleet. Thanks to Fire Chief John Rose of the EFD for coming up to take them to their new home.”

“We just want to say ‘Thank You’ to the Springfield Fire Department,” EFD writes. “We couldn’t be more grateful for the trucks, equipment, and new opportunities you’ve given us.

“Again, thank you.”

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The three firefighters in the wreck were sent to the hospital with non life-threatening injuries.

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