The city of Huntington Beach posted this video on YouTube Thursday, Oct 12.
Huntington Beach Fire Department Captain Rex Rysewyk and his crew demonstrate vertical ventilation on the fire ground, the city of Huntington Beach posted on YouTube recently. The crew will prepare their gear and equipment and deploy the 100-foot aerial ladder to the roof.
In this video, you will see the firefighters perform a center rafter louver cut with a chainsaw. There are several different types of ventilation cuts a firefighter can perform and an in-depth knowledge of building construction is needed.
The UL Firefighter Research Institute Studies have changed the way we fight fire more effectively and a coordinated effort between crews on the ground and on the roof is mandatory.
Vertical ventilation is the most dangerous tactic on the fireground.
Tools used for vertical ventilation are: Chain saw; rubbish hook; pick-headed axe; thermal imaging camera; can lights (depending on operation); ladders (aerial or ground ladders); rotary saw in some instances; pike pole in some instances.