Warfield Volunteer Fire Department (KY) Loses Fire Apparatus in Crash

An eastern Kentucky fire department needs help after a truck went off a bridge while responding to a house fire.

According to the Mountain Wolf newspaper, some wooden planks broke under the tires of the truck causing it to overturn on Monday.

The truck from the Warfield Volunteer Fire Department landed on its side in a creek. Two firefighters were sent to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

The fire truck, valued at $250,000, is a total loss.

The fire department has setup a GoFundMe page to help them raise money to get a new fire truck.

For more information, view www.lex18.com


Ravenswood (WV) VFD Pumper Rolls Over After Leaving Slick Roadway

The three firefighters in the wreck were sent to the hospital with non life-threatening injuries.

Two Spokane (WA) Fire Apparatus Slide Down Icy Hill; Crash Into House, Cars

A Spokane ladder truck and pumper slid down the same icy hill. The ladder truck hit a house and the pumper hit two parked cars.