Vancouver (WA) city council will be seeking voter approval February 8 on a special election ballot for a property tax increase to fund fire and emergency services, equipment, and facilities, reports clarkcountytoday.com.
The measure seeks to increase the city’s regular property tax levy by $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed value. If passed, an owner of a $440,000 house would pay $18.33 per month to support the initiative, which would begin in 2023, according to the report.
If approved, the funding, which is projected to generate around $15 million per year, would be used to:
- Acquire one new squad apparatus and one ladder truck.
- Replace Stations 3 and 6.
- Seismically improve, expand, and/or renovate existing Stations 4, 5, and 8.
- Fund other administrative costs in other departments to support investments outlined above.
- Fund additional operating, maintenance, vehicle, and capital expenses to provide enhanced fire and emergency services as determined by city council.
- Hire fire personnel.
If passed, city council will determine the timing and order of project funding, the report says.