Valemount (Canada) VFD Welcomes Fire Apparatus

Courtesy Canadian Fire and EMS Facebook

The Valemount Volunteer Fire Department has welcomed a new fire truck, reports The Rocky Mountain Goat.

The cost of the new engine is $565,000 and the fire department has been saving for 22 years. The new unit is a 2020 Freightliner Pumper Tanker.

Features and improvements include: a 1500 gallon water tank, the truck’s foam system can be refilled from the ground, the truck features a back-up camera, better work lights, ABS brakes, automatic tire chains, hydraulic ladder storage and a hydraulic drop-tank.

The fire department plans to utilize the tanker when it can no longer be their front-line engine.

The decision to make the purchase was informed by input from the fire department’s Community Consultation Committee.

Ravenswood (WV) VFD Pumper Rolls Over After Leaving Slick Roadway

The three firefighters in the wreck were sent to the hospital with non life-threatening injuries.

Two Spokane (WA) Fire Apparatus Slide Down Icy Hill; Crash Into House, Cars

A Spokane ladder truck and pumper slid down the same icy hill. The ladder truck hit a house and the pumper hit two parked cars.