Two Women Hospitalized in Chicago Fire Apparatus Accident

Two women were hospitalized when a Chicago fire engine responding to a call crashed into a car.

Fire Engine 13 was responding to a report of fire in a high-rise when it collided with a car, Fire Media Affairs Director Larry Langford said.

The engine was northbound with lights and siren activated when a Nissan Sentra turned in front of it at Congress and the driver “froze,” Langord said. All other cars had already stopped.

The engine struck the Nissan, which crashed into a parked Mercedes, Langord said. Both cars ended up on the sidewalk and emergency personnel needed to extricate two women from the Nissan.

Both were taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital in critical condition, but were alert and talking, Langford said. The side airbags deployed in the car, possibly minimizing the impact.

No firefighters were injured in the crash and the high-rise fire turned out be “nothing major,” Langford said.

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Ravenswood (WV) VFD Pumper Rolls Over After Leaving Slick Roadway

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Two Spokane (WA) Fire Apparatus Slide Down Icy Hill; Crash Into House, Cars

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