Talking Trucks: the Cab

Talking Trucks: the Cab

Ricky Riley and Win Slauch join Chris Mc Loone for this deep dive into fire apparatus cabs. What are some of the cab options that impact other areas of the rig? Cab design pitfalls. Is Clean Cab still a thing? These questions and more answered in this episode.

Talking Trucks: PGFD Rescue Squad 820

Ricky Riley takes Chris Mc Loone and listeners on a tour of one of the PGFD's newest rigs: Rescue Squad 820.

EVT Talk: Pump Maintenance

Thre are many things end users can do to keep their engine's pumps up and running and out of the shop. Join Chris Mc Loone…

Water Delivery: The Year in Review

Andy Soccodato and Bill Adkins review various water delivery training scenarios they either ran or participated in during 2024 via images from each evolution.