Luzerne County Technical Rescue Team (PA) to Add Specialized Services

Fire departments from seven Luzerne County communities will team up to speed specialized units for unique incidents, reports The Citizens’ Voice.

One of the units has a river rescue boats can be vital to rescues and searches.

The rescue group averages 30 personnel at a typical response. Team members work under the Incident Command System under which the commander coordinates the emergency response.

LAFD SUV in the ocean

Los Angeles (CA) FD Firefighter, Vehicle Swept Into Ocean During Mudslides

A Los Angeles Fire Department vehicle was pushed into the ocean as heavy rains sent debris across several roadways.

Campbellton (FL) VFD Celebrates First New Fire Truck in 54 Years

A $287,000 USDA grant funded most of the Campbellton fire truck; an additional $2,300 was raised to obtain it.