The Wrightsville Beach board of aldermen voted against borrowing to buy a new fire truck next fiscal year and have instead opted to save and buy one in 2016-17. The pumper truck would replace a 25-year-old truck that lacks safety updates.
The proposed fire department budget included the purchase of the new $500,000 truck at 1.96 percent. The town would have paid $28,000 in interest over five years for the loan.
One alderman voiced concern that the board was “rolling the dice” by delaying the purchase and argued that the town was in good financial shape. The fire department has three trucks, which is required by insurance. But the alderman argued that the old truck effectively limits the town to two trucks.
Proponents for replacing the truck now said the cost of the truck will likely increase by about five percent next year with new federal diesel engine regulations. The current truck is much older than the National Fire Prevention Association recommends.
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