Video: Rochester (NH) Firefighters Receive Their 3rd Toyne Pumper

Rochester’s pumper consists of a welded stainless steel body that is integrated into a Spartan Metro Star LFD chassis and also features a 10-inch raised roof cab. It is powered by a Cummins 450-hp ISL9 engine nad Allison 3000 EVS transmission.

It features a 2,000-gpm Waterous CSU pump, an FRC Boss pressure governor, a 1,000-gallon UPF tank, and 8,000-kW Onan hydraulic generator.

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“We are proud to deliver this department’s third Toyne apparatus,” said Michael Schwabe, President of Toyne, Inc. “Being able to continue working with departments – like Rochester – is always a great opportunity to see how we can further tailor the next apparatus to meet their changing needs.”

This pumper was sold to the Rochester Fire Department by Eastern Fire Apparatus, a Toyne dealer based out of Milton, New Hampshire

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