South Thomaston has welcomed a new addition — a 2015 E1 Typhoon, medium cab, Class A pumper truck.
The truck can be used for a variety of emergency responses, he said. In addition to being used to battle fires, the truck will carry equipment to take to car crashes and for water rescues. The vehicle can carry up to six firefighters equipped with all their gear.
The vehicle cost $350,000. The town set aside money for the truck over the years, and in 2013, the department proposed the purchase of a truck but voters rejected the $450,000 expenditure. The chief and other members of the department went to work to bring down the costs and their efforts were rewarded in March 2014 when voters approved the purchase at the $350,000 figure.
Even with that approval, the ordering of the truck was delayed until the town had all its funding in place. The town had planned on using $10,000 from the former firefighters association but that money has disappeared and is part of a civil lawsuit by the town against two former firefighters.
The new truck should be in use by the end of the month once the crew receives training on it and equipment is transferred from the older vehicle.
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