Edwardsville (IL) Takes Delivery of Rosenbauer Pumper


The Edwardsville (IL) has taken delivery of its first new fire apparatus in almost 20 years, a 2019 Rosenbauer Commander rear-mount pumper wtih extruded aluminum body.

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The rig seats a driver, officer, and two firefighters. According to one member of the apparatus purchasing committee that spec’d the rig, it features digital gauges, electronic water valves, and a remote-control deck gun.

The new pumper also features Rosenbauer’s Green Star Idle Reduction System, which shuts the truck’s main engine down and starts a three-cylinder Kuboba diesel engine to power the rig’s HVAC system, lights, and computer system.

The fire apparatus the new pumper replaces has been decomissioned and will be declared surplus.

Some specs include:

  • EXT Body
  • Waterous S100-TC20E Pump
  • 740-gallon water tank
  • 30-gallon foam cell
  • RBM Commander Chassis
  • Cummins 500-hp engine
  • Weldon electrical system
  • Green Star 7.9-kW generator

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