Darley’s new ZS pump is reportedly the highest flow pump available on the market with flows in excess of 3,400 gpm in a compact package.
The ZS pump is available with a two-gear or three-gear configuration and is offered in a variety of drive configurations including PTO Driven (ZSP),
Engine Driven (ZSE), Midship (ZSM), Direct Drive (ZSD).
The pump is rated at 2,500 gpm for NFPA 1901 Pumper applications and as a 3,000 gpm pump for ARFF, Industrial and Fire Boat ratings.
The Darley ZSP (two-gear PTO configuration) pump offers an integrated automatic priming system that can draft from two 8-inch suction hoses at a 10-foot lift in less than 30 seconds.
For more information, visit www.darley.com.