The Chazy Volunteer Fire Department will take a fully-restored 1934 Buffalo pumper truck to the Super Wheels Showdown, held in Boston.
The pumper was part of the original Chazy Fire District, purchased by the department in 1934 for $5,265. It was actively used until 1977.
Built by the Buffalo Fire Appliance Company, the truck has all of its original parts. The department even has all the original documents, including the operating manuals.
A volunteer firefighter decided in 2003 that he wanted to take on restoring the truck. The body was old and its color faded, but it didn’t have much rust.
The 34-member department worked at least 2,000 hours to complete the restoraion. Ninty-five percent of the restoration was finished for the Fire Department’s 75th anniversary in 2009.
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Chazy to Show Restored Pumper Truck
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