New Gretna (NJ) Volunteer Fire Company Closer to New Apparatus

The New Gretna (NJ) Volunteer Fire Company is one step closer to getting a new truck, reports

Bass River officials recently voted to pass a $748,000 bond ordinance that would help finance the purchase. They anticipate that the apparatus will cost over $600,000; the bond term is for 10 years, which comes out to about $60,000 a year.

Further action will be needed—likely resolutions—to carry out any major expenses in the bond and to award any contracts exceeding the state’s bid threshold, according to the report.

The department’s last new fire equipment was purchased back in 2002—a rescue and mini-pumper truck. Department officials say they hope to keep the new truck in service for 30 years.

The engine being replaced is known as 4211, an apparatus that is more than 25 years old and beyond repair, officials say.

LAFD SUV in the ocean

Los Angeles (CA) FD Firefighter, Vehicle Swept Into Ocean During Mudslides

A Los Angeles Fire Department vehicle was pushed into the ocean as heavy rains sent debris across several roadways.

Campbellton (FL) VFD Celebrates First New Fire Truck in 54 Years

A $287,000 USDA grant funded most of the Campbellton fire truck; an additional $2,300 was raised to obtain it.