The Laurinburg City Council discussed a potential joint fire truck purchase with Scotland County for the 2015-2016 budget year.
Next year, the county is scheduled to provide the city with $300,000 for the purchase of a fire truck, which though owned by the county will be at the disposal of the Laurinburg Fire Department and maintained by the city.
At the request of Laurinburg Fire Chief Randy Gibson, council heard from Frank Suggs of Atlantic Emergency Solutions, who compared chassis options. Existing fire trucks in the city and county have been built on a prefabricated commercial chassis rather than a “custom” chassis designed for the fire industry, and according to Gibson are not providing good long-term value.
Gibson has requested that the city chip in $189,000 to cover the cost of a truck built on a custom chassis, along with other upgrades from what the county’s $300,000 would buy. The truck will replace the county truck, a 1997 model, currently housed at the North Fire Station and used as a city fire engine as well as in the rural fire district up to five miles north of the city limits.
The request was met with a mixed reception from council members, who inquired into the cost of a similar truck built on a commercial frame — around $390,000 — and options to purchase used or finance.
For more information, view www.laurinburgexchange.com