A new, custom built, 100- foot platform fire truck was officially unveiled to the Innisfil Fire and Rescue Service in Ontario, Canada, last week. The fire apparatus, which will be operated out of Station 1 in Alcona, is expected to remain in service for at least 20 years, according to a recent report from The Scope.
The vehicle, known as Ladder 1, brings Innisfil Fire and Rescue Service to a new level. In the report, Fire Chief Randy Smith was quoted saying, “Innisfil continues to experience the pressures and challenges of a growing urban community and our Fire and Rescue Services need to keep pace with the tools that support the needs of the community. This impressive, highly effective, piece of fire apparatus will assist our emergency responders in delivering essential services now and into the future, as the community grows and develops its urban core.”
Read more about this new delivery and details about the apparatus HERE.