Kingston (NY) Fire Chief Mark Brown needs to convince elected officials that money needs to be spent to buy a replacement for a 1998 ladder truck, made by Pierce Manufacturing Co.
The truck is often placed out of service for a variety of problems, not the least which are serious engine malfunctions.
Brown says he will keep trying in an effort to purchase a ladder truck which he estimates will cost between $900,000 and $1.2 million.
Two of the Common Council’s leaders, Alderman Thomas Hoffay, D-Ward 2, the majority leader, and Alderwoman Debbie Brown, R-Ward 9, the minority leader, have publicly said they support buying the new ladder truck.
Just this year, the Common Council authorized $17,000 worth of repairs on the truck, which has a ladder that can stretch 100 feet.
The purchase of a ladder truck is not the only big piece of apparatus the city needs.
Brown said a 2001 engine truck needs to be replaced, which would cost about $500,000. Two other trucks, bought in 2005 and 2007, cost about $250,000 each, Brown said.

To purchase a new engine truck, Brown said that he would seek outside grants.
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