3M Scott Safety Addresses Cancer Concerns with New Air-Pak™ Design
BOISE MOBILE EQUIPMENT (BME)is expanding its facilities and its product lines. BME has just acquired two new warehouses—one 25,000 square feet and one 50,000 square feet—to meet increasing demand and to produce innovative new firefighting vehicles. The expansion came as BME locked in a $10 million contract with CAL FIRE to produce more than 30 wildland fire apparatus. Since then, several additional fire departments have “tagged on” to this contract.
HONEYWELLhas announced the first five recipients of the Honeywell Dupont FDIC Scholarships: Louise Hind-Schmidt, Ottawa (Canada) Fire Services; Timothy Houston, Raleigh (NC) Fire Department; Lt. Charles Meyer, Seattle (WA) Fire Department; Justin Starks, Andrews Airforce Base, Maryland; and Priscilla Wilkins, Norfolk (VA) Fire Rescue. It’s simple and fast to apply. Just go to www.honeywelldupontfdicscholarship.com.
ALEXIS FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. recently launched a new corporate brand strategy, Web site, and online merchandise store. The new logo as well as its new tagline “Driven To Serve” can be found on the company’s revamped Web sites, which have been redesigned to provide a more user-friendly experience across all platforms. The company headquarters in Alexis, Illinois, has expanded its facility operations in various departments. Along with substantial facility expansions and a new brand identity, the updated AlexisFire.com Web site includes extensive product information to help customers gain knowledge about Alexis Fire Equipment’s custom fire apparatus product line. Created with the user in mind, the Web site has been designed to be compatible with today’s browsers and mobile devices.