GTT Improves Opticom Priority Control

Global Traffic Technologies (GTT) said it improved its Opticom Priority Control Solutions for emergency vehicle preemption technology with benefits that include enhanced multiagency cooperation, better evacuation logistics, greater return on investment, reduced response times and increased safety.

The company said Opticom Central Management Software is strengthening its position as an invaluable back-office support tool. The software is described as a scalable solution that centralizes priority control and offers sophisticated oversight and reporting capabilities to improve system performance and streamline maintenance.

To coordinate with community-wide preparedness efforts, the new Evacuation Planning module for Opticom Central Management Software enables rapid evacuations. In crisis or special-event situations, the company said transit vehicles are allowed to temporarily preempt signals while maintaining precedence of emergency vehicles.

GTT said it now enables seamless, interagency operability and cooperation through new Multimode Technology capabilities for Opticom priority control systems. Supporting infrared, global positioning system (GPS) and future activation technologies, the multimode functionality adapts to each community’s unique traffic infrastructure, providing cost-effective migration and backward compatibility.

For situations where firehouses are very near signalized intersections, the company said its new Opticom GPS Radio Base Station is a wireless solution that rapidly obtains signal preemption, ensuring the fastest possible response time.

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