The Federal Interagency Committee for Emergency Medical Services (FICEMS) is pleased to announce the release of the final draft of the 2011 National EMS Assessment.
Sponsored by FICEMS and funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the report provides the first ever comprehensive description of emergency medical services, EMS emergency preparedness and 911 systems at state and national levels using existing data sources.
The National EMS Assessment, which was completed over a 24-month period from September 2009 to August 2011, provides a detailed description of the nation’s EMS systems which comprise an estimated 19,971 local EMS agencies, their 81,295 vehicles and 826,111 licensed and credentialed personnel.
A final draft version of the Assessment is being released today and a final published version will be released in January.
Download the final draft of the National EMS Assessment HERE.
For questions regarding the Assessment please contact Drew Dawson at the NHTSA Office of EMS at or 202-366-9966.
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