An explosion tore through the former Valley Fire Equipment building in Bradford Thursday at 10:30 a.m. drawing crews from several communities as five alarms were sounded.
Initially, firefighters faced obstacles of limited manpower and water as they arrived on scene to find two victims trapped inside. The two were extricated and sent to the hospital where they are in critical condition suffering from burns, the New Hampshire State Fire Marshal reports.
The metal building, located at 2345 Route 114, currently houses school buses for the Kearsarge School District and a mechanic’s shop, WMUR reports. Preliminary investigation showed that maintenance was being performed on a propane-powered school bus when the explosion occurred.
Are You Ready for Your Next Commercial Building Fire? Get Commercial Fireground Operation Training at FDIC 2022
The focus is on four major skill sets needed to be successful at fires involving commercial occupancies, such as big box stores, strip malls, warehouses, and office complexes. These fires are becoming more common, yet many departments have not yet adjusted their tactics to address the size and complexity of fires in these buildings.
The skill stations include 2½- and 2¼-inch hoseline operations, roll-down door and security gate forcible entry, removal of window bar and chain link fence, and rope-assisted search. Each station offers skills not commonly taught at the local academy or individual company setting. Attendees rotate through each station, are given an overview and demonstration of the skill, and then perform the skills working in designated teams. Following each skill set is a quick question-and-answer period to review the skills.
We will conduct each skill station with the proper tools to accomplish the task as they would in the field. Our props are realistic. We will utilize roll-down doors, chainlink fence, heavy duty chain, and security gates found on these types of structures. Additionally, we will provide multiple types of rope search kits and give our students the opportunity to conduct searches under low visibility (but not in an IDLH atmosphere). Finally, we will demonstrate various hose loads and deployments proven to be effective on these structure fires. Our philosophy is that through demonstration and then student repetition we can provide each attendee with an increased awareness and skill level when asked to perform these tasks at a fire involving commercial buildings. Although time is limited, these skills will be clearly presented and afford the student the opportunity to absorb them and take them home to their department.
Learning Objectives
The learning objectives involve providing field proven tactics to accomplish each of the critical tasks required at a fire involving buildings. The ability to select, deploy, and operate a 2 ½” and 2 ¼” hose. We will show the attendees how to size-up and force multiple types of industrial and commercial doors. Including the use of rotary saws on roll-down doors & security gates. Our next objective is to boost the attendees’ confidence and ability to complete a rope assisted search.