E-ONE Delivers Two New Emergency Service Units to Newark (NJ) Police Department

OCALA, FL—E-ONE, a subsidiary of REV Group and a manufacturer of first responder apparatus, has announced the delivery of two new Emergency Service Units (ESU) to the Newark Police Department in Newark, New Jersey.  

The two E-ONE Emergency Service Units are built as rescue style bodies using welded extruded aluminum with deep compartments to organize their mission critical equipment. These units will aid the Newark Police Department when responding to calls within the urban service area for situations such as barricade scenes, hostage situations, motor vehicle accidents and more. 

Top features of the two E-ONE Emergency Service Unit trucks include: 

  • Ford® F-550 4×4 XL chassis with 2-door Super cab
  • Heavy-duty steel front push bumper package with grill guard, Warn® 16.5 TI winch. Line-X® coated for rugged durability
  • Anderson® jump start system with receptacles on front bumper
  • Class III rear hitch
  • Cab interior tool mounting area
  • 12′ fully extruded aluminum modular body for extended service life
  • Rooftop equipment storage with space from the rear tailboard for (1) stokes basket, (2) backboards, (1) 16′ 2 section ladder and (2) pike poles with New York style hooks
  • Storage from topside forward for additional dunnage with a forward lift up hatch
  • Whelen® emergency lighting, Fire Research® scene lighting, Blue Amdor® compartment lighting

The Newark Police Department covers an urban area that is 12 square miles and performs approximately 1,000 calls a day. The rapidly deployable trucks were built to operate under extreme conditions.  

“The Newark emergency service units are the first out and first on the scene to any major crisis call within the urban service area,” said Mike Mildner, E-ONE Rescue Sales Specialist. “The crews that operate these units must be agile and equipped to quickly adapt to any conditions that arise in a fluidly evolving scene. These units were developed with the ESU team to tackle any job and to protect the citizens of Newark when seconds count.”

To learn more about these units, visit: http://www.e-one.com/new_delivery/newarkpolice/.

Ravenswood (WV) VFD Pumper Rolls Over After Leaving Slick Roadway

The three firefighters in the wreck were sent to the hospital with non life-threatening injuries.

Two Spokane (WA) Fire Apparatus Slide Down Icy Hill; Crash Into House, Cars

A Spokane ladder truck and pumper slid down the same icy hill. The ladder truck hit a house and the pumper hit two parked cars.