Coldwater city council Monday approved an $822,663 bid with Spencer Manufacturing for a new fire truck. The vote was 6-3, and a bone of contention remains.
The city specification called for a polybody, as opposed to aluminum, which dwindled down the bidders to two from six manufacturers, reports thedailyreporter.com. During the meeting, fire officials received criticism for not obtaining bids for both styles to determine the price difference and pros and cons.
Related: Coldwater (MI) Fire Department Prepares to Order New Truck
Officials say the polybody allows for easier repairs, more durability, and a larger water tank. Any efforts to rebid would push ordering to September, which would increase the price, the report notes.
When the chassis is ready, the city will pay Spencer about 60% of the price in the next budget year, according to the report. The final payment will be due November 2023, when the apparatus is delivered. Officials say they expect to pay for the truck out of the city’s $6 million fund balance.