David Harwell, president of Central Texas Iron Works in Waco, was in St. Louis attending a steel industry conference April 17 when he learned of the explosion in West (TX) that killed his longtime employees, 13 others and injured more than 200.
He said those attending the conference immediately asked what they could do to assist the town and the families of those first responders who rushed in despite knowing the powerful and potentially deadly threat inside the plant.
On Tuesday night, Harwell, CTIW vice president Roy Eaton and personnel manager Jay Cockerham presented West Mayor Tommy Muska with a check for $45,950 from the Steel Industry West Relief Fund so the city can buy a new brush firetruck in honor of the Snokhous brothers, both longtime West firefighters and CTIW employees.
“Robert and Doug Snokhous were some of the finest people this world had to offer,” Muska said. “This truck will be a tribute to them. Each will have his name engraved on a plaque that will go on the fenders.”
After the presentation, Harwell hugged Robert Snokhous’ wife, Alison, and Doug Snokhous’ two daughters, Lauren and Laken, telling them that they still are part of the CTIW family.
“This means everything to us,” Alison Snokhous said after the presentation, wiping away tears. “They would have loved it. He would have wanted to be the first one to drive it and he and his brother probably would have fought over it to see who got to drive it first.”
Robert Snokhous, 48, worked for 20 years at CTIW, where he was project manager.
Doug Snokhous, 50, worked at CTIW for 29 years and was a shop supervisor.
Shortly after the explosion, their family said they were comforted knowing that the close-knit brothers were together at the end.
For more information, view www.wacotrib.com
Company Donates Funds for Fire Apparatus to Honor Fallen West (TX) Brothers
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