Clay County (MO) Makes Plans to Build Fire Station

Site studies are underway for the location of a new fire station in Clay County.

District One City Councilwoman Heather Hall says the project is important for what has become a quickly growing area in the far northern part of Kansas City.

“I think it’s going to be a good project,” Hall said. “This is the kind of thing people in my district want. They want the infrastructure so they can move here and raise their families in a nice safe community.”

Hall has worked with a landowner willing to donate property to the project. Two sites off Missouri 291 are under consideration for the station.

At this stage in the project, Hall said she was not at liberty to identify either the land donor or the exact potential locations. Hall did say the sites are in District 1, which extends between Interstate 35 and Woodland Road in that part of the city. She points out that having the land donated, and locating the new station near existing sewer, electrical and road upgrades, is expected to save the city money on the project.

Deputy Chief James Garrett, public information office for the Kansas City Fire Department, says the department has been hoping to place a new fire station in that area to decrease response times. Currently, the fire station at North Brighton Road and Missouri 152 covers a large area north to south, which extends from Missouri 210 to the Kansas City limits, which is north of Missouri 291.

“This is absolutely a growing area. What we have to look at is that growing area and our ability to respond to the area,” Garrett said.

While the plan is in the preliminary stages, City Architect Eric Bosch explains the new station will also be designed to help increase response times.

It is expected to have a similar interior floor plan as some other one-level stations in the department. The stations have common areas and bunk areas on the same floor as the bay where the firetrucks are stored.

“Wherever you’re at in the station, you can easily get to the apparatus bay to get your gear on and get in the truck,” Bosch said. The station is expected to be 14,000 to 18,000 square feet. It will have a bay large enough for two fire apparatuses to sit side by side.

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