The Board of Public Safety considered the purchase of a fire truck by the Burrville Volunteer Fire Department made without board approval, a requirement stipulated in the memorandum of understanding between the city and its volunteer fire departments.
Capt. Jason Noad of the Burrville department, referred to as captain or chief alternatively during the meeting, purchased the truck for $12,000 to replace the department’s previous engine, which is no longer operational as its air brakes blew out during a training exercise in late May.
The truck was not inspected before being acquired by the Burrville department and has not been accepted into service by the Torrington department.
Noad, as well as a friend of his who works for a fire department in a neighboring New Jersey town, spoke to members of the Woodbury department about the condition of the truck before the purchase was made.
Any purchase exceeding $1,000 is required to be approved by the Board of Public Safety, per the requirements set out in the memorandum of understanding regarding the city’s fire departments.
“It seems seven months into the MOU, it has been broken by the department,” said Chief Gary Brunoli.
Noad did not discuss purchasing the truck with the board, Chief Brunoli, or fire commissioners before doing so.
“I admittedly did not go about it the right way, but it was a chance that happened to fall in my lap and I took it,” said Noad. “And I think I did it with the department’s best interest, and the city’s best interest, at heart.”
The matter was referred to Corporation Counsel Raymond Rigat, who will review the terms of the memorandum of understanding and make a recommendation to the board at its August meeting.
Mayor Elinor Carbone also suggested that the city review the number of calls each volunteer department receives, as well as their various response rates and times, before the budgeting process for the coming fiscal year begins.
Carbone raised the idea after the number of calls received by the Burville department, as well as its response rate, were discussed by both Brunoli and board members.
According to Brunoli, the Burrville Fire Department has “got a truck on the road” to 14 of the 129 calls they have been dispatched to since January.
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