Buffalo WY Council Approves Fire Apparatus Purchase

Buffalo (WY) voted to allow Fire Chief “Gomer” Gammon to travel to Rock Springs to evaluate the engine, and if satisfied, to make the purchase.

The truck, a Type-6 Wild-land Fire Engine, is for sale by the BLM Office in Rock Springs for $12,000. By comparison, Gammon said, a new type 6 engine, fully loaded would run between $80,000 and $120,000.

The type-6 engine can run off-road in more rugged terrain than the standard engines the city has which are designed for use on paved and improved roads.

Gammon said the engine purchase is not in this year’s budget and if the city decides to purchase it, a budget amendment will be required.

It will come with some equipment but will require the city purchase some equipment to make it usable, but he thinks the equipment can be purchased with existing budgetary funds.

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Chicago (IL) FD Pumper Crashes Into Food Pantry at South Side Church

Surveillance video shows the engine avoiding a pole and a traffic light box and then crashing into the building.

Campbellton (FL) VFD Celebrates First New Fire Truck in 54 Years

A $287,000 USDA grant funded most of the Campbellton fire truck; an additional $2,300 was raised to obtain it.