Baltimore County (MD) Fire Department Invests $24M for Two Dozen Apparatus

The Baltimore County Fire Department this week placed an order for $24 million worth of new Fire apparatus. This apparatus will replace aging units in keeping with the Department’s replacement schedule.

The new purchases include:

  • (10) 750-gallon pumpers on a Pierce Enforcer chassis
  • (6) 1,000-gallon pumpers on a Pierce Enforcer chassis
  • (1) 3,000-gallon tanker on a Freightliner chassis
  • (1) hazmat unit on a Pierce Enforcer chassis
  • (3) rescue engines on a Pierce Enforcer chassis with rescue capabilities
  • (2) 107′ Ascendant tractor-drawn aerial ladder trucks on an Arrow-XT chassis
  • (1) heavy-duty rescue (USAR) unit on a Pierce Enforcer chassis

The order was placed based on specifics developed by BCoFD’s Apparatus and Logistics teams. These units are designed to meet Baltimore County’s current and future needs through improved technology and design. BCoFD expects to begin taking delivery of the new units in about 22 months.

Funding for this purchase was made through the County’s Equipment and Finance Package. The order was placed with Atlantic Emergency Solutions of Hanover (MD), a fire apparatus dealer.

Ravenswood (WV) VFD Pumper Rolls Over After Leaving Slick Roadway

The three firefighters in the wreck were sent to the hospital with non life-threatening injuries.

Two Spokane (WA) Fire Apparatus Slide Down Icy Hill; Crash Into House, Cars

A Spokane ladder truck and pumper slid down the same icy hill. The ladder truck hit a house and the pumper hit two parked cars.