173rd Fighter Wing leadership and Kingsley Field Fire and Emergency Services personnel pose in front of their newly acquired P-19 Ultra High-Pressure vehicle at Kingsley Field in Klamath Falls, Oregon, 173fw.ang.af.mil.com reported.
The P-19 UHP utilizes a forward mounted turret rated at 300 gallons per minute at 1,250 PSI allowing firefighters to remain on scene for five minutes.
“Excited to have a new crash truck,” Kingsley Field Fire Department said in a Facebook post. “Crash 6 is in service.
“It’s not every day the Fire Department receives a new tool for fighting fires. The 173rd Fighter Wing received a new Airfield Firefighting Vehicle that uses ultra high pressure to help extinguish fires. This new asset allows them to stay on scene for five minutes with full suppression with both foam and water at the ready. The act of pushing the vehicle into the station signifies it is ready to serve the local Klamath Community.”