CustomFIRE—Sterling (IL) Fire Department top-controls pumper. Spartan Gladiator cab and chassis; Cummins L9 450-hp engine; Waterous CSUC20 1,500-gpm pump; UPF Poly 750-gallon water tank; 25-gallon foam cell; FoamPro 2001 single-agent foam system; Waterous 200-cfm CAFS; stainless steel body; overhead storage pods; pull-out trays and tool boards. Dealer: Wayde Kirvida, CustomFIRE. Osceola, WI.
Photo of the Day: March 11, 2022
Apparatus of the DayFire Apparatuscummins l9foampro 2001Photo of the Dayspartan gladiatorupf poly tankWaterous
Los Angeles (CA) FD Firefighter, Vehicle Swept Into Ocean During Mudslides
A Los Angeles Fire Department vehicle was pushed into the ocean as heavy rains sent debris across several roadways.
Campbellton (FL) VFD Celebrates First New Fire Truck in 54 Years
A $287,000 USDA grant funded most of the Campbellton fire truck; an additional $2,300 was raised to obtain it.