Ladder Tower—Bushkill Volunteer Fire Company, Lehman Township, PA, 110-foot rear-mount aerial quint. Spartan Gladiator MFD cab and chassis; Cummins X15 600-hp engine; Hale Qmax 2,000-gpm pump; 500-gallon polypropylene water tank; prepiped waterway; 750-pound tip load; 14-foot outrigger spread. Dealer: Tony Mastro, Campbell Supply Company, South Brunswick, NJ.
Fire Apparatus of the Day: Jan. 29, 2024
Ravenswood (WV) VFD Pumper Rolls Over After Leaving Slick Roadway
The three firefighters in the wreck were sent to the hospital with non life-threatening injuries.
Two Spokane (WA) Fire Apparatus Slide Down Icy Hill; Crash Into House, Cars
A Spokane ladder truck and pumper slid down the same icy hill. The ladder truck hit a house and the pumper hit two parked cars.