Caledonia (MN) Consider New Ambulance/Fire Station

Caledonia (MN) Fire Department/Facebook Photo

Officials in Caledonia (MN) are considering adding a new fire station to a project to construct a new ambulance station, according to a report published by The Caledonia Argus.

The newspaper reported the city has already bought a .89 acre parcel of land on West Washington Street for an ambulance station and just hired an architect to see if it’s feasible to add a fire station to the same location, the paper reported.

The newspaper reported that the fire department has been asking for bigger quarters for some time and city officials believe it might make sense to save money and combine the project. Some think the parcel is too small for larger vehicles and would not make a suitable fire station location.

Recently, the city council voted to spend $55,250 for an architect to develop the plans for a new combination ambulance/fire station, the paper reported. If it is determined the site is large enough for the two services, a decision to go forward with design, the paper said, adding that funding could still be an issue.

If funding isn’t secured, the councilors said the construction project could be shelved until funds are available for the project, the paper reported.

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